Physically Challenged
Physically Challenged
Individuals with disabilities constitute a noteworthy and vital segment of the Indian populace. More than 26.8% of Indians, according to statistics, live with a disability. Many of them, despite their potential, have substantial obstacles in their way of obtaining an education, finding work, and fully engaging in society. JCT is dedicated to removing these obstacles and creating an inclusive atmosphere where everyone can prosper.

Enable Technology Distribution
Provide access to assistive technologies that enhance the capabilities of differently-abled persons, enabling them to participate in sustainable practices.
Skill Development and Employment Opportunities
Offer training and job opportunities in fields that contribute to sustainability, such as renewable energy, waste management, and conservation projects.
What we Do ?
JCT focuses on three core initiatives aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Three main areas are our focus:

Distribution of
Assistive Technology
(SDG 3)
In order to promote accessibility and mobility, we offer wheelchairs, hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, and other assistive devices through donation drives, collaborations, and funded programmes.

Career Development & Employment Prospects
(SDG 8 & 10):
To provide people with disabilities with the tools they need to succeed, we provide specialised vocational training programmes. We then assist them in finding employment, internships, and business ventures, giving them financial independence and promoting their assimilation into the workforce.

Awareness and Education Initiatives
(SDG 10):
To raise public knowledge of the rights and capabilities of individuals with disabilities, JCT organises awareness campaigns, seminars, and workshops. We dispel prejudice, encourage diversity, and foster compassion and understanding among people.